
We have the right plan for you

From online course to online individual consultations with the authors.
For details see below and for FAQs, keep scrolling!

Online courses

£55 - £95
All our courses can be bought individually or as a bundle 
  • understanding how to control momentum
  • controlling momentum
  • mobile responsive
  • discount for bundle


Our Masterclass plan includes 3 x 40 minute video consultations
  • Expert Walkthrough 
  • individual consultations  
  • access to the courses:
  • understandng momentum
  • understanding how to control momentum
  • controlling momentum

limited availability


Designed for coaches and sport psychologists 
  • Bespoke training
  • affiliate programme
  • Lesson plans
  • Expert Walkthroughs
  • individual guidance
  • Case Studies
  • Presentations
  • Short Courses
  • Promotional material
  • Community Forum 
  • support material

Frequently asked questions

What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

The courses are unique, there is nothing else like them available. Underpinned by the latest academic research and practical coaching experience, you will gain insights from experts who coach at the top of international sport as well as working, competing and coaching at all levels of competitive sport. We aim for our courses to be interactive and developmental.

What will I gain?

We'll take you to the heart of match issues, helping  you solve the real problems you face in matches, how to closeout leads , how to turn matches around and what to do when things are in the balance. It is packed with individual insights and methods to help you develop your game.

Who are the courses for?

Anyone who is involved in competitive sport. We aim to help players, coaches and parents think about matches in a different way and know how to develop from match to match. We aim to help players navigate the ebbs and flows of a match and use them to their advantage. We aim to help coaches focus their coaching on matchplay skills to improve match results. We aim to help parents understand the challenges and benefits of competition so they don't misunderstand what is happening in a match and misadvise their children.  

How long do the courses take?

It depends on the course. The full course is offered in a bundle (both Course 1 and 2 together) and contains around 8 hours of learning (approx 4 hours each). It depends on your level of experience and if you engage with every interactive element and complete the exercises and worksheets. There is enough learning activity and repeatable processes to last much longer, in fact for as long as you compete!
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